Thoughts on building marketing & growth capabilities

The top metrics & KPIs other teams care about for SEO

SEOs care about many metrics, often the wrong ones (rankings, DA, PA, you name it, etc.). What is often forgotten are the metrics that are important for the other teams/departments within their organization. In the end, building a company isn’t just done by one company. Over the years, it’s been clear that you work with […]

Saving Bing Search Query Data from the Bing Webmaster Tools’ API

Over the last year, we spent a lot of time working on getting data from several marketing channels into our marketing data warehouse. The series that we did on this with the team has received lots of love from the community (thanks for that!). Retrieving Search Query data from Bing has proven to be one […]

Case Study: How Restructuring 6800 Content Pieces For SEO Worked

I presented the content in this blog post about a week ago for the Traffic Think Tank community (highly recommend it), but after a Twitter thread on this topic as well, it’s time to turn it into a blog post. Sometimes you have to take a stand and make something better when it’s already performing […]

Part 5: Airflow on Google Cloud Composer – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

In the previous blog posts (part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4) in this series, we talked about why we decided to build a marketing data warehouse. This endeavor started by figuring out how to deal with the first part: making the data lake. In the fourth blog post, a more technical one, […]

Part 4: Visualization with Google DataStudio – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

In the previous blog posts (part 1, part 2, and part 3) in this series, we talked about why we decided to build a marketing data warehouse. This endeavor started by figuring out how to deal with the first part: building the data lake. In the fourth blog post, we’ll chat about how we are […]

Part 3: Transforming Into a Data Warehouse – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

In the previous blog posts (part 1 and part 2) in this series, we talked about why we decided to build a marketing data warehouse. This endeavor started by figuring out how to deal with the first part: building the data lake. We’ll try to go a bit more into detail on how you can […]

Part 2: Creating the Marketing Data Lake – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

In the previous blog post in this series, we talked about why we decided to build a marketing data warehouse. This endeavor started by figuring out how to deal with the first part: building the data lake. We’ll try to go a bit more into detail on how you can do this yourself in this […]

Part 1: Why Build a Marketing Data Warehouse? – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

This blog post is part of a series of three, in which we’ll dive into the details of why we wanted to create a data warehouse, how we created the data lake, how we used the data lake to create a data warehouse. It is written with the help of @RickDronkers and @hu_me / MarketLytics, […]

What books am I reading in 2020?

For the last four years, I wrote blog posts (2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016) listing the books that I read in the past year and that I wanted to be reading during that year. As always, the past year I didn’t read all the books that I’ve listed out in the blog post as I […]

Starting & Growing SEO Teams

“Tell me, who/what do I need to hire to run our SEO program? What is the first hire for a new SEO team?” Questions I often get, usually followed by: “Do you know anybody for our team?”. As so many companies around the Bay Area are hiring it makes sense, which also makes hiring harder. […]