Thoughts on building marketing & growth capabilities
Learnings from Managing Marketing Budgets
In my 1st job in Marketing, I ‘managed’ a marketing budget of less than €5.000 a month (mainly paid acquisition spend), eventually growing it to about €20.000 a month. My budget responsibility has grown significantly a few jobs later, while I am now responsible for a yearly eight-digit figure ($)💸. This creates a need for […]
Building a data warehouse for SEO in Google BigQuery
Why do you want/need a data warehouse for SEO? A data warehouse (& data lake) stores and structures data (through data pipelines) and then makes it possible to visualize it. That means it can also be used to help create and power your SEO reporting infrastructure, especially when you’re dealing with lots of different data […]
Learnings from a year with Google Tag Manager Server Side
Over the last few years, I’ve written several times about Google Tag Manager, especially when I was at The Next Web as we had an extensive integration. Something we ran into over time was the lack of being able to send events that needed validation or were triggered from the front-end. At the time, I asked the […]
What books am I reading in 2022?
2021 was a failure… but I was right. Early 2021 I already predicted that I wouldn’t read as much, which indeed proved to be true. My newborn daughter (hi 👶🏻!) caused a good amount of sleep deprivation in the earliest months of the year. Only in the Summer period I slowly got back into reading […]
Supporting Marketing: The Role of Marketing Operations
This blog post was written in partnership with Ian Hoyt, who’s RVshare’s Marketing Project Manager. While you pass through the growth stages of departments, things start breaking. Teams become less efficient. There is more work and often less accountability. In a small startup, everyone shares the responsibility because there is no one else to blame […]
Calculating TAM (Total Addressable Market) for SEO
A couple of months ago, I was one of the participants in the SEO MBA program by Tom Critchlow. It was a 5-week long workshop series going through all kinds of subjects that matter in dealing with the executive level regarding SEO. We touched briefly on the subject of TAM (Total Addressable Market) along the […]
Building a Templated Approach to SEO
SEO, in my opinion, is in many ways about scale. You want to rank for as many relevant keywords as possible as content is the leading factor in achieving that scale. Because let’s face it, who can rank for thousands of keywords with one blog post or piece of content? You want to ensure that […]
What’s next after SEO?
Often questions that industry peers ask me resonate with me right away as they’re focused on where they are in their career, where they should go, my role over the past years, and how that has shaped what I do today. Lately, I got asked the following questions, and I thought it would be good […]
What books am I reading in 2021?
For the last five years, I wrote blog posts (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016) listing the books that I read in the past year and that I wanted to be reading during that year. It was a good year for reading. I added many books to my list during the year, read some unexpected […]
Deciding between who to hire: an Agency versus a Contractor versus Hiring?
While you’re scaling the efforts of your team, you’re running into bottlenecks as you grow. The faster you go, the more often you lack the resources to add new initiatives or improve existing channels & functions. Time after time, you find yourself identifying the gaps in your marketing organization (or others) trying to figure out […]