Personal Archives

From 99% ‘duplicate content’ to 15 editors and back to ‘duplicate content’

Duplicate content is (according to questions from new SEOs and people in online marketing) still one of the biggest issues in Search Engine Optimization. I’ve got news for you, it for sure isn’t as there are plenty of other issues. But somehow it still always comes up to the surface when talking about SEO. As […]

Making a move … what’s next!?

Last week was my last one at The Next Web as their Director of Marketing. For the last four years I’ve worked alongside great people: publishing the best content (TNW), organising the best + biggest tech conferences (TNW Conferences), selling the craziest drones (TNW Deals), creating the most beautiful workspace (TQ) and them who collect […]

Why giving back is so important, help out

Getting more experience can be hard when you’re just starting with your career. You’re either trying to hope to get into an internship, your first job or if you’re making a career move you just need the experience to keep up. But you’re living in a great time to get there as there are many […]

What am I reading in 2017?

In August I wrote about what I did/was/would be reading in 2016. Although I haven’t finished reading all these books I have already planned on reading a ton of new books this year. My goal is to read even more, to get smarter, read about new things and just dive into more knowledge. So far that’s […]

Oh no! You’re also starting a blog?

Yes! I’m sorry ;). For the past two years I blogged mainly on The Next Web around how we do Marketing for The Next Web, did some guest posts and tried out Medium (not great for sharing code snippets). But during that time I felt the need for a personal blog that I could use to share some […]