Martijn Scheijbeler

What books am I reading in 2025?

“For 2024, I’m committing to reading 20 books again.” – Well, I didn’t make that; some passion projects (more on that later this year) came in the way, and I ended up at only 11. This year, I’m off to a slightly better start, aiming to hit this number.

Why am I writing this blog post? For the last nine years, I wrote blog posts (2024, 2023202220212020201920182017 & 2016) listing the books I read in the past year and want to read during that year. Truth be told, I often change my mind about what books to read or order new releases that take the spots of the planned books.

My favorite books of 2024

What books am I planning to read in 2025?

What biographies should I be adding to my list? I’d love more recommendations.

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