Martijn Scheijbeler

What books am I reading in 2024?

16 books for 2023, but we also welcomed our son, Lukas, so in the latter half of the year, my pace declined a bit (having to decide between sleeping and reading is quite an easy choice with a newborn). For 2024, I’m committing to reading 20 books again.

Why am I writing this blog post? For the last eight years, I wrote blog posts (2023, 202220212020201920182017 & 2016) listing the books I read in the past year and want to read during that year. Truth be told, I often change my mind about what books to read or order new releases that take the spots of the planned books.

My favorite books of 2023

What books I’m planning to read in 2024?

Truth be told, I often change my mind on what books to read or end up ordering new releases that take the spots of the planned books. That’s why some books that I had planned to read last year will likely make this years list, finally (Pragmatic Capitalism, Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order).

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