Martijn Scheijbeler

Part 1: Why Build a Marketing Data Warehouse? – Building a Marketing Data Lake and Data Warehouse on Google Cloud Platform

This blog post is part of a series of three, in which we’ll dive into the details of why we wanted to create a data warehouse, how we created the data lake, how we used the data lake to create a data warehouse. It is written with the help of @RickDronkers and @hu_me / MarketLytics, who we’ve worked with alongside during this (ongoing) project.

Six months ago, we were looking at Google Sheets, Google Analytics, and many other tools/vendors daily and had no marketing data live in a data warehouse (nor a lake). We wanted to get better at using (marketing) data but mostly find a better way to connect insights from multiple sources to find insights but also make more data available to the rest of the internal teams (think: PPC, SEO, Email, Product).


Looking at the complete picture

Marketing data is often confined within the platforms and tools used to distribute the marketing message. But your prospects don’t confine themselves to just one source or medium to interact with your company (the path length is usually longer than one session before a transaction takes place). To be genuinely able to measure the effectiveness of your marketing activities, extracting the data from these platforms and having the ability to analyze them is essential. This goes back to our first point on Why. It needs to solve cases that provide business value.

Beginning with the end in mind

One of the biggest challenges in working with data is that often you don’t actually know precisely what data you need to solve for your use case. Usually, you tend to go through the cycle of “capture – store – enrich – analyze” a couple of times before arriving at really valuable insights.

By creating your own data warehouse, you create the flexibility to transform and relate the data to each other in ways that aren’t possible when your data is locked within separate platforms.

Build versus Buy?

While it was clear that we wanted to own as much of the data ourselves, an apparent next discussion was how to gain access to the actual data. Would we build the pipelines ourselves? Would we buy tools to do so, and how much of the transformation of data would fall on the team? How about maintenance?

Pros of Buying a solution

Cons for Buy & Build

In the end, we decided to go with a combination of the two strategies. We decided to let most of the Extract processes be handled by software that we would buy, or that would already be available opensource as this is a task that we wanted to make as cost-effective as possible. Most of the Transform will be done through a set of tools that we would maintain and build ourselves as there are too many custom use cases and needs. With that, it meant that we also needed to ‘Load’ the data back into our data warehouse mainly ourselves. More on the details of that in our upcoming blog posts.


An often asked question in this process is what kind of costs we were expecting to have. While we won’t disclose the costs for the additional help received, we’ll quickly touch on the costs for this whole setup thus far. Parts of this are variable based on the size of your data but so far our costs:

Strategy going forward

With some of these decisions made upfront, we decided to move forward with collecting the data channel by channel, starting with the most important channels. This way, instead of needing to collect all the data for every channel, we were able to directly start building dashboards on top of the data that would be useful for teams. The steps to take to get there were as follows, and we’ll dive into some of them in detail in upcoming blog posts:

  1. Extract all the data using Google BigQuery Transfer Service, Supermetrics and StitchData.
  2. Validate that the data in Google BigQuery is correct by comparing it to the regular data sets, existing dashboards, and the data that we would look at in the vendor’s platform.
  3. Transform the data so data sources can be combined and Transform the data to be directly useful for reporting purposes.
  4. Load this new data into new reporting tables, backfill historical data where possible, and sync it back into Google BigQuery.
  5. Depending on the channel, build dashboarding in Google DataStudio or Tableau.

In the next blog post, we’ll go into depth on how we created a marketing data lake, where all our raw marketing data from our vendors (Google Search Console, Google Ads, Bing Ads, etc.) lives. Expect that to go live within the next two weeks. Until then, feel free to share your thoughts on this blog post on Twitter.
Again… This blog post is written with the help of @RickDronkers and @hu_me / MarketLytics, who we’ve worked with alongside during this (ongoing) project.

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